Want to become an artist? Win your scholarship

Today I'm excited to share with you this amazing competition offered by The New School of New York.
I know that the word amazing is widely abused in the blogosphere but this is seriously a unique opportunity!
If you think you have the talent to make the difference as an artist this is your chance to win your dream education in New York City. The New school is seeking for talent and it's ready to reward it with a scolarship valued up to $160,000!

The challenge is to answer logical reasoning & The New School quizzes and solve a creative case by presenting a video.
The competition offers four full and four partial scholarships for Bachelor’s degree within art & design, liberal arts, fashion or music and it's open to high school and college students worldwide.  
Scholarship winners must be a high school graduate on or before June 2013

The following four divisions of The New School are participating:
•        Parsons The New School for Design
•        Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts
•        Mannes College The New School for Music
•        The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music

DEADLINE January 27, 2013 
READ MORE  @ http://www.thenewschoolcompetition.com/
Now, wasn't 'amazing' the right word to use?

Pensate di essere dei veri artisti o di avere le potenzialità per divertarlo? La New School of New York offre a tutti i diplomati e studenti universitari del mondo l'occasione di competere per aggiudicarsi una borsa di studio valutata 160,000 dollari! 
Per poter partecipare dovrete rispondere ai quiz e presentare un video.
Il premio in palio sono quattro borse di studio complete e quattro parziali per i corsi di studio di arte&design, studi umanistici,moda o musica.

Parteciperanno i seguenti dipartimenti della New School 
•        Parsons The New School for Design
•        Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts
•        Mannes College The New School for Music
•        The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music 

Che aspettate ad inoltrare la vostra domanda? Per saperne di più cliccate http://www.thenewschoolcompetition.com/


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